Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Earth hour was on the 27th of March and I am happy to say that I switched off all my lights. But I must confess, the whole day I was vacillating between wanting to follow it and pretending to forget about it.

While this whole debate was going on in my mind I realized how totally selfish it was of me to want to forget about it. I didn’t want to sacrifice those 60 minutes of my life in order to be part of a cause. And it’s not like I would have been doing anything earth shattering in that one hour. I would have been either watching television or listening to music or surfing the net. Nothing that important!

Since I did follow the earth hour call….I am now, actually proud of myself for not having given in to temptation.

PS : I did spend that whole hour on the phone :)


  1. wow:) thats a nice write up...

    high five for actulli doin it:)
    n i love d the p.s:)
    coz i did the same:))

  2. Thanks Divsi :) *Hi5* back. I did think about cell phone towers operating on electricity but I disregarded that.

  3. at least u r honest about it :)
