Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Where do I go from here.....

At times in life, everything is up in the air. You know not what you want nor where you're going. Certainties disappear, it's just a long alien road ahead. 

For all the readers, the few that do read this blog regularly, apologies since I don't seem to have happy thoughts to share these days. That's not to say that I am unhappy....not at all. It's just that this particular phase of life seems to full of confusion with hardly any solution in sight. 

Life generally is full of ups n downs with no state of mind staying for long. They just come and go. Unfortunately, all the up times get lost in having fun and enjoying life and the only times we brood is when the going gets tough.

That brings me back to my state of mind right now which is most definitely down. Oops you guys can't help but notice that. I seem to be in a state of limbo right now which, let me tell you, is not a good place to be. Nothing makes any kind of sense coz I just don't know what's going on. There are multiple choices to make, various directions to travel and all I can do is stand still since I don't know where to go. 

Now generally I don't have a problem standing still till the road ahead becomes clearer but still at times one wonders, restless and upset, why it's taking so long to figure it out. Every path has so many positive and negative aspects. No path is clear.....how do I wade through the mire of negativity and walk.

I know it won't last, the path will open, taking me exactly where I'm supposed to go but that's no consolation right now. Coz the question that's driving me crazy right now is......where do i go from here.....???


  1. It is a question that haunts most of us at some point in our lives. Happens to us all. Avoid the negativity and focus on the positives. Make small goals...not long term ones. Keep working towards them. Learn a language...go on a holiday alone...teach underprivileged kids etc etc. Standing still wont get you anywhere...keep moving. Eventually things fall in place.

    I know it is easy to talk and give advice...but I know how it feels...I know how much the uncertainty eats you. But you cant do much...just accept the cards dealt to you by life.

    All the best girl :)

  2. @reddevil : First of all sorry for such a late response.

    Thank you so much for your comment...and i agree with you on small goals which is what I am doing...taking one day at a time and not thinking about tomorrow at all. I know this shall pass but sometimes it's kind of difficult to be patient. Thanks once again :)

  3. Life is a pendulum. It goes on despite the uncertainties. Don't let the mind deceive you with so many questions. March on. That's life. Still the mind, but strengthen the will. Have faith. We may not get what we want all the time, but we may get what is right for us for the moment. It is not a problem, just some situations in life. You can't solve it, but you can live through it. Don't worry that time is running out. Let good things happen at its own pace. After all life is an evolution. God bless.

  4. @cyclopseven : Thanks so much and you are so right about not getting what we want but getting what is right for us. Therein lies the problem in our mind since we focus more on want without realizing that what we want may not be right for us. I guess one tends to remember that and life would be easier :)

  5. Strange conundrum, but just remember that wherever you do go would always be the right path. You might sit and ponder now, and believe it's down to chance, but we underestimate fate and faith.
    So, sit back, grab a burger, and just live. Life will take care of the rest.
    Lovely blog. Will be a follower. :)

  6. @Argetlam : thanks so much for your words and being a great believer in fate i tend to just let life unfold :)

  7. A lot of us are feeling the same way
