Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Men And Their Libidos

Saw a news report about a 12 year old girl raped by 9 people for two years. Nothing new……happens all the time with even younger girls but it leaves me totally disgusted every time I hear about it.

What is the story with men/boys and their libidos……..that it goes so totally out of control and they end up behaving like animals. Now I’m not saying all men. But the statistics that we have show that there are plenty around. We read about them every single day……some man, somewhere……..

The question…….what is their problem? Is it mental or physical? Are they totally deprived of any kind of feeling? Is the greed for sex so great that they have to rape someone to feed it?

In our country there are enough women around who would sleep with a man for money. So why do they need to resort to rape? How do they live with themselves after they do?

Pretty sick I must say!


  1. more than anything else, its that element of power struggle, of showing power over a hapless victim that makes them do it. that power can take any form, of a mob, of religion, of politics, anything...and some of them are plain animals. they do it for pleasure :(

  2. Animals is the right word for people like these...but no....animals are better.....they don't do anything without a reason. I really don't know what kind of people these are....they just makes me so mad.

  3. Animals is the wrong word. Animals follow nature. Procreation is never forced but I guess its a figure of speech.Man is the most gifted animal (surprise he is an animal after all refer to the class 6 biology book) but is also the one responsible for poisoning mother earth (you know global warming).The thing is that intelligence produces aforesaid consequences(rape,GW) in situ.
    The thing is I'm from PETA...:)
